Thursday, October 30, 2008


I never thought I'd even consider getting a tattoo. I just seemed so... permanent. But now I kind of want one. I mean I reallllllllllllllly want one, for no reason at all. In fact, my sister, Cyndie, and I might even get matching star tattoos. I want a lone star, - not like a Texas Lone Star - or Spaceballs Lone Star - but a single star - on my wrist or behind my ear.

I also like wrist star tattoos a lot... a La Lohan

And I LOVE Rhianna's trail of stars. Apparently she gets a new one for every new place she goes, or meaningful experience in her life. Her life must be dope. She only had like 5 stars last week.

So what do you think? Have I lost my mind? Am I becoming uber trashy? Should I just dive right into a dumpster???

1 comment:

jessica s marquis said...

i'm diggin' the tattoo idea. bob & i took the plunge last february, and he's totally hooked on the plan for another one. just make sure it's something you won't regret. you know, like a tweetie bird on your boob.